Exclusive experiences at Nadal

General Conditions:
Opening hours: Monday to fridays, form 10am to 2pm and from 3pm to 6pm . Wekends, and holidays from 10am ti 2pm. Any reservation outside of these hours will incur a supplement of €150.

    • If cancelled more than 48 hours in advance, 10% of the total amount will be refunded.
    • if cancelled les than 48 hours in advance, ther willbe no refund.
    • For catering, a 50% refund will be issued if there cancellation is made at least 7 days in advance.
    • In case of non-appearance at the indicated date and time or if there are fewer participants than indicated in the reservation, there will be no refund.

tel 607463052

Check our distributors

Un entorn privilegiat
La Finca Nadal de la Boadella està situada al bell mig de la plana del Penedès, a només 40 minuts de Barcelona i Tarragona, en un punt privilegiat on la bellesa del paisatge captiva el visitant. Sota la mirada omnipresent de l’imponent massís de Montserrat, les cent hectàrees de vinya que envolten la masia ofereixen la possibilitat de gaudir d’un entorn excepcional i de tot tipus d’experiències a l’aire lliure o en espais singulars del celler.
Laborables: De 9h a 14h
Caps de setmana i festius: De 10h a 14h
De dilluns a divendres: De 15h a 18h
Oberts tot l’any, excepte:
Primera setmana de gener / Dilluns de Pasqua /24 de juny / Tardes d’agost / 25 i 26 de desembre
Tel. 93 898 80 11
Mòbil 607 46 30 52


From Barcelona Linie R4 Station Laver – Subirats
From Tarragona Linie R2 Station Lavern-Subirats

Bicycle rentals

Mr. Albert Massana +34649273332


Miss. Natalie Lamberti Tel. +34633030383

Motorhome area:

  • Our Motorhome parking area is a parking space where you can only stay one night.
  • It is not a camping or picnic area.
  • Please park the vehicle inside the markings on the ground.
  • Users of the motorhome area are kindly requested to maintain it in a perfect state of cleanliness.
  • Please respect the peace and quiet of the neighbours at all times.
  • You may use the table located next to the Motorhome area.
  • This space may be used for free.
  • Prior reservation required, tel 938988011. Schedule to confirm reservations:

Monday to Thuesday from 9.00h to 18.00h
Friday to Sanday from 10.00h to 14.00h

Availability all year